
Benazir Bhuto dies of suicide bombing; Christopher Fernando dies of heart attack; Heath Ledger dies of drug overdose; Megat Junid dies of prostate cancer; Suharto dies of multiple organ failure.

We all know we will face death sooner or later, but sometimes we need reminders to tell us that our time could be soon and that this fact is very real. Nobody having premonitions on a plane is going to warn you that you are next.

Just some food for thought.

I just got off the phone with my cousins and favorite aunt Chu, who called from the States. We talked for quite a bit; a little over an hour I think. You see, after I got back from New Zealand for my summer holidays, I was informed by Ummi and my sister that Chu had a health related problem. Being away from my family for 10 months, naturally I was the last to find out. Chu was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to undergo surgery. The news was a big deal to me but being the "emotionless" person that I am, I took it coolly.

Alhamdulillah, the operation was a success and she can now go home to be with her family in Memphis. She now has to go for radio therapy daily and go for follow-ups with her doctor. However, judging from the jokes she kept cracking, she was already in good health and for that I am grateful. In times like these she can be so selfless and put a smile on my face, something not many people can do, especially over the phone. I'm happy for the phone call Chu, it was much needed. May God grant you the best of health, insyaAllah.

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