Al-Rajhi Bank is one of the most aggressively expanding foreign banks in Malaysia. And one thing about this bank really seems to fascinate me.

No, it's not the claimed, oh-so-tempting "Unbeatable Mutual Funds" the bank is offering to its customers. Its something else. Its something about its.. well.. erm.. "design".

Take a good look at the bank's logo and tell me you don't find it a little.. obscene..

Come on, don't tell me you can't spot 2 balls and a batang sticking out in that picture. Honestly, these Arabs kan.. of all symbols.

Diorang ingat sperm bank or what?


On another note, those who frequent the Elite highway at the USJ-Subang interchange, beware. Speeding off to KLIA again?

Hoho.. Latest speed trap at Elite highway installed on 17/07/07 from KL to KLIA. This one sure kena... coming down slope, kap chai oso more than 90kmph. Its a digital camera speed trap with unlimited shots. Don pray-pray ah.. got 300GB of HDD. Effective range is up to 300m.

Huala wei.. since when Malaysia so canggih eh? 3 bijik sekali hantam. Got built-in IR lamp so malam pon confirm kena...

Now Malaysia can lawan Western country. But why wait so long to install? Other country long time edi.. see..

Celebrate together-gather eh..


  1. of all things, you realized that particular bit of fact. huhu.

    n i like the pic of a police on a horse tu.

  2. Batang. LOL.

    take a look at this, the worst and most unfortunate logo ever.


  3. Lutfi,in responsre to your question in my shoutbox.

    as for the name alonqexe,

    ALONQ tu diambil dari word ALONG (my family&old friends call me along), tapi tukar G kepada Q for Qamarus.

    EXE - Actually, am a fan of Megaman Battle Network game, the main char's name is Megaman.EXE (a computer programme). XD, so copy la.

    Why are u asking?

  4. "slaps forehead"

    As chic chick said...how is itthat of all things, that's what caught your eye?

    Thanks for the heads up on the cameras...no more KLIA rush for Abah.

    As if that would stop him.

  5. kennysia watermarked his pics for a reason... no offence, but i don't think it's appropriate for you to crop it out, nor is it appropriate to re-post something without citing the original source... come on lutfi, u can do better than this! ;)
