
Just some personal updates.

I got bored with the nasi-putih-campur-lauk-ayam routine, so I tried to bake some cookies for a change. Tried to. This is how they turned out.


There were more cookies, but don't ask me how the previous ones turned out. Hint: Oven to bin.

Note to self, I seriously have to vary my cooking more.

Ummi just got back from Indonesia with Abah. I presume they had fun. Oh and Mother's Day is around the corner. I want to do something special for Ummi, but I'm lost. So I need suggestions ay-sap.


Also, congrats to my sis who scored in her finals.

-Photo removed by Editor-

Somebody wanted to see the housemate of mine who recently embraced Islam. I can't remember who, so I'm just putting up his photo here incase he/she is reading. His name is Kaseem, but we still call him Ken because old habits die hard. Ken was his name before he became a Mualaf.


And lastly, here's a JPEG of the badminton tourney poster I designed. Amacam?


Signed, sealed, delivered.


  1. Assalamualaikum lutfi. Alhamdullillah, ada saudara baru! Sampaikan salam aku kat dia.

    lawa design tu, cume font atas tu kalau boleh tukar dengan font lain mungkin lebih menarik.

  2. LUTFI REMOVE IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. alonq_exe: InsyaAllah Qamar. Alhamdulillah, he's learning bit by bit. About the design tu, you're right. Font tu tak menarik kan? Tapi dah print n dah tampal around uni. :D

    lubna: sheesh kebab. okok.

  4. salam lutfi,
    akak kenal ke guy mualaf tu?
    mcm familiar jep muke die

  5. elun: salam akak! saya rasa sure akak kenal dia. dia rotary court also last year, jenis pendiam sikit. akak, naik hot air balloon ke? gile best, x aci, nak naik gak! :D
