What Would You Do?



I wonder what it would be like for me to be a female Muslim. How would I dress? Would I wear the hijab? Would I observe my religion strictly? It's hard enough being a Muslim male, always having to explain the meaning of halal to every restaurant owner, butcher and shopkeeper here in New Zealand. I didn't realise how difficult it was for a Muslim woman to live in a non-Muslim majority country. Not many people know what they experience, even for a Muslim male like me. Head-scarf clad women truly are the flag bearers of Islam. Unlike the men, they have to wear their religion constantly. Muslim women everywhere should be proud of themselves.

This video also got me thinking: What would I do if I saw an injustice toward a Jew?

Video can be found via webcast on ABC Primetime.


  1. hmm,i don't think i'm a good example.

    Ouch :(

  2. =)
    Selalu jugak terfikir, tabah sungguh muslimah yang tutup aurat ( betul2 tutup ) yang sanggup menahan panas terik matahari di India ni.
    Kalau yang lain, dah singsing lengan dah kot. Mungkin jugak tudung terletak kat bahu.

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  4. raudha husain: Why not? I meant no offense.

    alonq_exe: I have high regard for those who observe their faith in the correct manner (ie pakai betul2). Yang pakai tudung on and off tu, well lets just say, i'm nobody to judge.

  5. yep..
    esp when ur in place like hulu gippsland
